East Crossroads Art Wall…Making Progress

We recently completed 90% construction documents on a new Crossroads Art Wall that will encase an existing KCP&L Substation located at 18th and Holmes.  A Full scale 12′ x 12′ plywood mock-up with concealed color changing Lightwild LED fixtures was constructed as an intermediate “check and balance” prior to breaking ground.  The mock-up revealed last-minute adjustments that would be required to maximize the execution of  lighting, media programming, and long-term security.

Once the Owner approved the preliminary mock-up pictured above, Zahner immediately starting constructing a final full-scale version in weathering steel (Solanum Steel).  The official groundbreaking will be held on site shortly, construction is scheduled to be complete by early summer 2012.

We almost forgot to mention…it’s powered by solar.

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